New Year, New ______??
By Chris Winkler - Founder | Principal
If there’s anything that each new year brings, it’s hope and a sense of renewed optimism. Starting with a clean slate each year can be invigorating. We make plans for all the experiences we want to have and the changes we’d like to make in our lives.
As we begin a New Year, I think it’s important to stop for a moment to reflect upon our own lives and all we’d like to create with this sacred gift of time we’ve been given. Time is the greatest resource any of us have. Time is the only thing equal we share and if used intentionally, can leave a meaningful impact on the world we want to affect.
Taking a minute to consider questions that could dramatically improve our life experience and the impact we have on the people we care most about is worth the commitment. One of my great friends and early career mentors calls this ‘Living Life on Purpose.’
Some years ago I started a process called Moving Future inspired by Dan Sullivan. The basis of this work: no matter what stage of life we’re in, we adopt the belief that the future is better than our past. When we reframe life in that form, we can begin to have our worldview shift and seek the reasons that there is great reason for hope and optimism.
‘No matter what stage of life we’re in, we adopt the belief that the future is better than our past.’
The Moving Future process is simple, like most great things in life. It can take only 10-20 minutes to complete but can have exponential returns on the quality of our lives. Just take a few moments to answer each of the 3 questions with either a narrative or 5-10 bullet points. This process has had such a significant impact in my own life I now answer these questions twice per year. I have heard the same from people that have taken this on and make it their own habit.
1) What were your winning achievements in 2023?
2) Where do you have the highest confidence, what is going well right now?
3) What 3-5 memorable experiences would you like to create in your life this year? For yourself? With your spouse/ partner? With each of your children?
The New Year presents an opportunity to reimagine a hopeful possibility. Only we can answer what we ultimately want our lives to become and the impact we hope to inspire. Taking time to reflect and adjust our course periodically will help ensure we live a life of greater purpose and joy.
My gratitude,